Military Museum Vorarlberg


The military museum originally housed in a landmark of Bregenz - the Martinsturm - was relocated in the Bilgerikaserne next to Lake Constance in 2010. For the premises there, we developed an exhibition concept consisting of showcases, shops, peep boxes and showrooms, which takes visitors through the last few centuries of Vorarlberg's military history. Seating in window niches invite you to read and linger. In the neighboring Häuslesaal, important frescoes of the military history by Vorarlberg artists are on display. In a second stage of expansion, the exhibition will be supplemented with digital media and a display collection.

Vorarlberger Militärmuseum in Bregenz - Ansicht Gebäude
Vorarlberger Militärmuseum in Bregenz - Ansicht Austellung Vorarlberger Militärmuseum in Bregenz - Ansicht Austellung Vorarlberger Militärmuseum in Bregenz - Ansicht Austellung Vorarlberger Militärmuseum in Bregenz - Austellung Detail Vorarlberger Militärmuseum in Bregenz - Austellung Detail

Project details

Project type: Realisation
Finalisation: August 2016


Vorarlberger Militärmuseum in Bregenz - Grundriss Vorarlberger Militärmuseum in Bregenz - Schnitt