Competition winner


We are very pleased to have won first place in the competition for the pavilion of the Holzbau-Offensive and the State Forestry Administration Baden-Württemberg for the German National Garden Show 2023 in Mannheim!

"This design is convincing due to the strong gesture of the surprisingly wide cantilevered light wooden roof, which arouses the curiosity of visitors to the exhibition and invites them to explore the pavilion. The seemingly floating roof vividly demonstrates the performance of wood as a building material, even to the layman. The chosen structure allows for the desired usage scenarios for the BUGA in a simple way and also offers the possibility of self-appropriation. In the wooden cinema, wood as a building material is used atmospherically and can be experienced with all the senses." - Jury assessment

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troy buga holzbauoffensive wettbewerb troy buga holzbauoffensive wettbewerb